The sound of kookaburras in the forest of Olinda Mt Dandenong is so beautiful. As i woke up in the cottage the morning after our arrival i knew it was going to be a great time away. The comfy bed with feather cover and pillows and a canopy of soft white cheesecloth draping down the sides was not easy to drag myself away from. But we had brought our little girl with us and the routine on holiday had to match the routine at home.
There were abundant water features, one at the front flowing under a bridge and at the back water running down some slopes and into the larger of the ponds.
We could see the neighbours garden when we opened the kichen an laundry windows, very nice landscaping, chickens had thier own little house with a picket fence. We enjoyed the open fire, port, tea and the spa, it was also a very adorable kitchen with on old stove that worked to perfection.
The day came for me to get out and and wonder the cute shops and garden paths and have a little "me time". I picked up some cool stuff bright rainbow tea towels, a salt pig, crystal candle holder, hand made berry soap, a pen with an illistration of a weed smoking Jamaican lamb singing into a mic, and finally a beautifully crafted journal by the rabbit and the duck.