Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The night before summer

From my driveway.... splendid
Incredible display.  It had it all,  motion, colour, magnitude and presence.  The artist who set up this epic instillation, God.  I Love his work.  I guess you had to be there with the smell of summer in the air, the breeze moving the clouds.  We held each other and gazed at the sky.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

since writing my last post i have noticed lots of pumpkin seedlings popping up in random places.  Those places were already spoken for.  As you know pumpkins take up large amounts of real estate and need to trail of into areas that aren't in use.  So I made a  pumpkin patch at the end of the veggie bed where there is lots of unused soil where I've chucked kitchen-scraps dumping ground and a small spot left for a flowering cabbage and a slow chard.  The pumpkin seedlings transported well.
Next surprise seedling were a bumble of tomato plants...there are too many and they are already to big to move well.  I will let the drama play out as it may.  I might end up with a barrel full and have to make my own tomato sauce, a nice dilemma to have.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Summer is a week away

Jane watering the parsley
The cabbage
A large chunk of my veggie patch is inhabited by some very practical veggies.  I've already written about the tomatoes, mizuna and lettuce seedlings.  Now I've planted 2 punnets of mixed lettuce, peas, and  capsicum.  Also some basic herbs, (since i lost most of mine when we got a patio done) sweet basil, flat leaf parsley, sage.  I put them in  a pot for now.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Garden now

Some bright colours are great in a veggie patch and as you may know they are edible.

This global artichoke was bigger than my hand when i picked (machettied it) yesterday.
Top left are sweet bites and the bottom ones are a dwarf variety.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things to do

Went to the hardware store early this morning and bought some tomato plants and some thyme.  I look forward to planting them but...that's allot of tilling i have to do.  So it will be a hard days work along with all the house cleaning, making dinner, and out for exercise with the girls tonight.  While i was in the plant section today i found a small version of some trees i have out back.  I think its fruit is edible and i never knew it.  Will do some research.

So it's the next day and i can proudly state that i tilled the soil, replanted in the way plants and planted the new arrivals.  There are 3 sweet bites and 3 patio hybrids that will mature 2 weeks earlier than the sweet bites.

I've now sown some mixed lettuce and mizuna.  Have not had much success in the past planting seeds on purpose and getting a seedling out of it.  If it self seeds it will grow well.  If i plan it out my plants normally struggle and then get eaten by something.  Let us hope and pray that i will have finally attained a green thumb and we get a great crop.