Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mothers day

To market to buy a sack of potatoes and an old Rosella preserves Jar. An overcast morning which made it all the better. A great coffee and a pumpkin scone fresh as can be topped with jam and cream.
On my first mothers day my true love gave to me a pair of diamond earrings. I will treasure them and what they represent always. My daughter helped pick them out and signed the card.
Also, today we celebrate our girl turning 11 months, just one more month to go.


How cold it's been the last two days and rainy! Perfect weather for hot beverages like my favorite the skinny cappuchino. My spunky man is a wonderful barrister and spoils me every day with a cup for morning tea. The smell of fresh coffee grind is intoxicating. The sight and sound of coffee being made brightens my day. Even the cats get their kittychino.